Community Nutritionists and Dietitians in the St. Louis Area, Missouri, and Illinois
Improve your Health and Overall Wellbeing with the Support of a Community Dietitian Nutritionist
What is a community nutritionist?
A community nutritionist promotes health and disease prevention in their communities. Community nutrition is a distinct branch of dietetics concentrated on providing education and resources tailored to the community's requirements.
Its mission encompasses instructing individuals on the significance of healthy diets and behaviors while also encouraging community awareness regarding their health needs.

What does a community nutritionist do?
At Branz Nutrition, we are weight-inclusive dietitians who advocate for a Health At Every Size® approach using intuitive eating concepts to nourish our bodies and our children, all in an effort to prevent disordered eating and/or eating disorders.
We use evidence-based treatments to improve many disease states, advocate for weight diversity, and work to keep our clients from falling victim to diet schemes, fads, and gimmicks.
We can work with your community, providing nutrition education tailored to your organization's needs. Whether you're educators, camp counselors, or coaches looking to learn more about eating disorder prevention, families looking for ways to improve nutrition status, or corporations looking to improve employee wellness, contact us. We can develop programs and counsel your community on food, health, and nutrition.

What can a community nutritionist do to address disparities?
At Branz Nutrition, we are passionate about communicating the anti-diet, Health At Every Size® -message to our community. We as a culture have struggled for so long with this idea that thinner = healthier, and it’s absolutely not true. We are committed to size-inclusivity in all spheres of life: health, work, school, and culture. We educate, advocate, and participate in the vast community of healthcare providers that honor all bodies, providing everyBODY with quality, compassionate treatment.
When we can empower one person to feel assured in their skin regardless of their size, we feel confident that one person will help to change another person's mindset and the domino effect begins. FOOD FREEDOM FOR ALL! :)