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Eating Disorders in Male Athletes – Outpatient Treatment with Dietitians in the St. Louis Area
Signs of Eating Disorders in Male Athletes
This is similar to what we might see in females in regards to weight changes, muscle weakened, frequent injuries, gastrointestinal issues, dizziness, fatigue, hair loss, poor immune function, preoccupation with food, weight, and body image, anxiety, depression, excessive exercise, secretive eating habits and use of supplement or steroids.
What percent of male athletes have an eating disorder?
The percentage of male athletes with eating disorders is lower than females, however this may be due to males under reporting their struggles. The overall prevalence is ~10-20% of male athletes experience some sort of disorder eating or eating disorder.
Nutrition Therapy and Counseling for Male Athletes with Anorexia, Bulimia, BED, OSFED, and disordered eating:
Nutrition counseling for male athletes is very individualized as no two eating disorders or athletes are the same in regards to their recovery goals or energy needs based on their sport.
At Branz Nutrition, we focus on meeting the athlete where they are at while continuing to set realistic yet firm goals to beat the eating disorder and achieve a safe return to their beloved sport.
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