3 Nutritious and Easy Kid Lunch Ideas
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Eating Disorders in Female Athletes – Outpatient Treatment with Dietitians in the St. Louis Area
Signs of Eating Disorders in Female Athletes
Signs a female athlete may be struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating could include significant weight fluctuations, fatigue, irregular eating patterns, avoidance of social settings around food, frequent injuries, irregular menstrual cycles, poor performance, body dysmorphia, perfectionism and high achievement, along with mood swings and denials.
What percent of female athletes have an eating disorder?
Research suggests that female athletes are at a higher risk compared to their non-athlete counterparts. It’s estimated that 20-45% of female athletes may experience some form of disordered eating.
Nutrition Therapy and Counseling for Women, Girls, and Teens in Sports with Anorexia, Bulimia, BED, OSFED, and disordered eating:
Nutrition counseling for women, girls and teens in sports is very individualized as no two eating disorders or athletes are the same in regards to their recovery goals or energy needs based on their sport.
At Branz Nutrition, we focus on meeting the athlete where they are at while continuing to set realistic yet firm goals to beat the eating disorder and achieve a safe return to their beloved sport.
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