Eating Disorders Treatment for Runners in the St. Louis Area - Outpatient Medical Nutrition Therapy
Eating Disorders Recovery for Runners:
Recovery from eating disorders for runners involves a comprehensive and supportive approach, addressing both physical and mental health. Some key components of a recovery plan include:
Medical Supervision to address malnutrition electrolyte imbalances and bone density concerns.
Nutrition Rehabilitation with a member of our Branz Nutrition sports team to reintroduce a variety of foods to ensure adequate calories intake to support recovery and athletic performance.
Psychological Support to address underlying concerns such as developing healthier coping mechanisms.
Gradual Return to running to support recovery and the sport with your team, support system and coaches.
Every runner's recovery journey is unique, and it's important to tailor the approach to individual needs and circumstances which is what we focus on at Branz Nutrition.
What are the signs of an eating disorder in runners?
Believe it or not, poor performance at the sport can be a red flag for the runner that is struggling to make personal records. Other signs include withdrawn from social settings, particulate around food, dizziness, fainting, amenorrhea, excessive exercise outside of training, wearing baggy clothes, mood swings, and perfectionism to name a view.
Nutrition Counseling for Runners with Anorexia, Bulimia, BED, OSFED, and Disordered Eating:
Nutrition counseling for any of these diagnoses is very individualized as no two eating disorders or runners are the same in regards to their recovery and running needs.
At Branz Nutrition, we focus on meeting the runner who is struggling where they are at while continuing to set realistic yet firm goals to beat the eating disorder. This includes meeting adequate energy and hydration needs to support them between and during runs.